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Worm Farming – Weekly Schedule

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How do you create structure and daily routine around your worm farm? How do you keep all staff onboard and engaging?

The answer – The Worm Farm Schedule designed by Nutmegz!

Moisture Mondays ? – a day for watering your worm farm. Remember worm farms need about 3-5 liters per week!

Tasty Tuesday ? – a day for feeding the worms. Why not practice cutting and tearing skills as you make the worms some worm tacos or food waste stew?

Worm Tea Wednesday ☕️ – a day to drain the worm tea that has collected in the bottom level. Use this amazing fertiliser around the centre garden or even gift it to your families.

Thank You Thursday ❤️ – a time to celebrate, discuss and acknowledge the amazing work our worms do for the planet. Maybe even write a little thank you letter.

Farewell Friday ?? – a day to say goodbye for the weekend. Is everything in order? Have all the above jobs been done?